Enigma A28, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions. In addition, the rotors and the reflector rotates normally (not "double stepping").
Enigma D, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions.
Enigma G, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions. In addition, the rotors and the reflector rotates normally (not "double stepping").
Enigma I 'Wehrmacht', which has three rotor slots.
Enigma KD, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions.
Enigma M3, which has three rotor slots.
Enigma M4, which has four rotor slots. The fourth rotor never rotates.
Enigma R, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions.
Enigma T 'Tirpitz', which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions.
Norway Enigma, which has three rotor slots.
Swiss K, which has three rotor slots and no plugboard. The reflector can be set to any positions.
Predefined existent reflectors.
Predefined existent rotors.
A convenience function to make an entry wheel from a substitution.
Predefined the simplest entry wheel which does not substitute.
Predefined entry wheel: KZR... -> ABC...
Predefined entry wheel: QWE... -> ABC...
A convenience function to make a plugboard from a substitution.
Predefined the simplest plugboard which does not substitute.
A convenience function to make a reflector from a substitution.
Predefined existent reflectors.
A convenience function to make a rotor from a forward substitution. If turnovers are not specified, the rotor has no turnover notches, otherwise, for example, if turnovers are 'B' and 'Z', the next rotor steps when this rotor steps from B to C and from Z to A. If ringSetting is 'C', it corresponds to "C-03".
Predefined existent rotors. Because these rotors have no turnover notches, they are generally set side by side with a reflector.
Predefined existent rotors.